The Hunters Rage Read online

Page 12

  “Fucking liar.” Artemis screamed, and they winced as the bat slammed into Slick with such force the chair bolts loosened.

  “Give me the truth drug.” Slick whispered spitting out blood. Artemis was moving towards and reaching for the knife.

  “What?” Artemis stopped, her arm outstretched and turned back to face Slick.

  “Loved you girl, like my own blood, I’d never, ever agree to that shit. If I’d known I’d have come for you. Give me the Sodium Pentothal, ask your questions.”

  “So you can fuck with my mind, it’s not one hundred percent.”

  “Lift my shirt.” Slick spat more blood. They could see his breathing struggling. Slick nodded his head towards his right pec. Artemis grabbed the knife and not being careful slashed at Slick’s tee in a downwards motion and ripped it open. A thin line of blood welled up.

  Artemis gasped and stepped back in shock. Artemis stood in front of Slick for a long time and stared at his chest and then she moved. They saw what she’d seen and then the camera went blank.

  Around Slicks left pec was a tattoo, a forest of red, white and purple roses, surrounding a kneeling angel. Her wings glowed in a blueish white light, and the surrounding roses dripped red blood.

  Her hair was straight and golden, and she wore a white tank top and a pair of blue jeans. She looked coyly up, and they recognised that face, Kayleigh’s delicate features had been etched upon Slick for eternity.

  Her hands lifted in prayer and between them dangled a gold chain. Each end held a red heart, one with the name Ace and the other with Slick. Etched in amongst the roses was her name, spelt out in between the thorns.

  “Did you know?” Ace asked Drake quietly. Ace’s heart was breaking in more than one way. Slick loved the woman who planned to carve him up. No way would Slick have that tattoo if he’d not loved Kayleigh. A brother didn’t randomly put a woman’s name on them.

  Ace wasn’t worried that Slick had feelings for Kayleigh. Ace had claimed her, and the code between the brothers meant Slick would keep those feelings buried. Slick had done exactly that. Ace lifted his head impassively, not letting on to the turmoil of his feelings. Drake met his eyes knowingly. Fuckin’ man knew everything, only one worse than him was Axel.

  “No. I didn’t until now. But I know what that tattoo means.”

  “Slick loves her.” Ace stated baldly. “Not as a sister.”

  “No idea brother.” Ace gazed across to Fish and saw the truth in his eyes.

  “Kayleigh only ever had eyes for you.” Fish muttered.

  “Fuck, he loved her.” Ace whispered. “Artemis will kill him, and Slick loved her. All those years.”

  Chapter Six.

  “Slick didn’t stop looking for Kayleigh.” Ace looked up and spied Dylan Hawthorne stood in the doorway to the inner sanctum. Minutes had passed since the laptop feed died, the last person they expected to see was Hawthorne. Hawthorne gazed at them with knowledge in his eyes.

  “Huh?” Ace asked, rather stupidly. Drake made a flicking motion with his fingers and brothers filed out.

  “Slick kept a retainer with me, kept me searching for any leads on Kayleigh. Continued doing so for the last ten years. Slick didn’t want Kayleigh for himself, but for Ace. Slick needed you whole again.” Hawthorne said, shutting the door behind him.

  “Bad timing, Dylan.” Drake said.

  “Bodies are hittin’ the floor, bodies linked to Rage. Ramirez is putting two and two together, and his next stop is here. Ramirez is clean, he won’t dirty for Rage, but he’s tryin’ to keep things quiet. Someone’s on a warpath and cleanin’ up, can guess who. Artemis is marked by the police.”

  “Shit.” Fish whispered.

  “Rage got a brother missing. Guess Gid’s gone back home, I suppose, must have a family emergency. Ex Rage members are turning up like extras in a slasher film. Got a second brother whose sister was running barefoot down a highway. Guessing Slick got a family emergency too. But you got a cunt in a grave that was meant to have held Kayleigh Mitchell.

  That cunt has been beaten with a bat and slashed with a broken bottle. Had a knife taken to her, exact wounds as Kayleigh Mitchell. Don’t need to be a genius to work that out. Ramirez is holding off the big guns but make no mistake, Artemis is marked. Call her off.”

  “Can’t.” Drake said shortly.

  “Better bring me up to speed.” Hawthorne said. Hawthorne’s eyes stared at Drake.

  “Can’t.” Drake said again.

  “Stood by you when Phoenix was taken, didn’t know your woman well, Drake. You and I had difference’s, but I kept a man on Phoe. Ramirez on the scene and he let Ace go in after Phoenix and not himself. No bullshit, Drake, we’ve your back and Rage is neck-deep in shit.

  I’ll get a shovel and start shovellin’ but gotta know what I’m fuckin’ shovellin’. Rage got a brother in the hands of a killer the fuckin’ CIA would love to recruit. Drake, bring me up to fuckin’ speed.” Hawthorne thundered the last. Drake rose to his feet and studied the man in front of him.

  “You’re not wrong, you’ve covered my back, took my back, Phoe is alive because of you and Ace. No doubtin’ that. This is club business. Friend of mine or not, you’re not Rage.”

  “Goes beyond Rage when we’ve a killer the likes of Artemis on the warpath. A path that’s lined with bloody bodies and Gid is dead. Saw the ground assholes laying in. Artemis now has her hands on a man I respect and call a friend.

  Rage ain’t aware, but Hawthorne’s kept digging. Two organisations cropped up. We think we’ve tracked Artemis to both. First, is a group called Revenge. The organisation is a fuckin’ ghost. Only ever been one mention of it in six years. The informant was freakin’ terrified.

  If Artemis comes from these people there’s no stopping her, you get me? These people can make a fuckin’ seal shit his pants and cry for his momma, like a bitch. The name of the organisation says everything, Revenge. Artemis waited, and hate’s built. She’s gonna bring down anyone who gets in her way.

  Now, not sure if for years Artemis been kept leashed or the fact you called her in on this, unleashed her. But Artemis is unleashed. Woman will bring a shitstorm down on my town, there’s no fuckin’ chance of stoppin’, and then Artemis will disappear. Completely disappear.”

  “Revenge?” Ace asked, picking up on that.

  “No one knows shit about it. No one knows where Revenge is based, who runs it, who’s in it, what their mission is. And trust me, they’ve a mission. Not known how many members, what trainin’ they have, nothin’. Can’t get a lock on Revenge. Can’t prove it exists.

  Rumours consist of an organisation that takes a victim and trains them fuckin’ hard. Least two years trainin’. Victims get their revenge. It’s often bloody and messy but again no fuckin’ proof they belong Revenge. For each victim, it’s personal. Once they got what they want, they disappear. Tell me who that sounds like?

  No morals, no rules or governin’ in either group and only one man ever spoke of Revenge. Took a bullet minutes after he opened his trap. Authorities couldn’t find shit, so the assholes thought it was bullshit made up to deflect from his crimes.”

  “Artemis is linked to Revenge?” Ace asked.

  “No fuckin’ proof anyone’s linked to it. All we got is one man’s testimony, and minutes after he spoke his last word, his brains were blown out. No proof Revenge exists at all.”

  “Shit.” Drake muttered.

  “Got a second organisation. This is your girl, I got no doubts, little proof but no doubts. Heard of a merc team going into zones, not even god would. Drake, you’ve heard of these guys. You set me on their tail. Got better info now.

  They’ve brought out hostages alive, cost a fuck load and there’s no contact details for them. This organisation contacts you, tell you the price of business and then calls back in twelve hours. Say yes, they go in, say no, they don’t bother with a further call and your person is dead. Rumour was they’re called Rescue, but I’m thinkin’ that’s a smokesc
reen for Artemis. Artemis ain’t one woman, she’s got a group behind her.

  What Artemis told you there’s very little doubt she belongs to this team. Artemis has been places that the fuckin’ devil would baulk at going. The fuckin’ devil turns a blind eye to this ‘cause even for him, it's dark. They’re ghosts, no trace is found. They make the drop-off, and if you don’t pay, they’ll get paid one way or another.

  Tellin’ you, knowin’ what Artemis is capable of, and what your girl did in a week when Phoenix took her hit. It would not shit me to find Artemis belongs to both organisations. I’m ninety percent sure on the merc team, seventy on Revenge.”

  “You can’t find anythin’ on Artemis direct?” Ace asked.

  “Your girl is so dark, Artemis makes the night look like daylight.”

  “Not good, not fuckin’ good.” Apache muttered.

  “Understatement. Lock your brother’s here for safety, Artemis’ll take this place and walk away whistling. Rocket launcher, bomb, stealth entry, you won’t know Artemis is here.” Hawthorne leaned forward to emphasise his point.

  “Experienced that. Artemis broke into the clubhouse five times now. Each time guards never saw Artemis coming and ended up drugged. Can’t find an entry point.” Ace informed Hawthorne.

  “Wanna know what shit Rage is in, and how big a shovel Hawthorne’s need to get, and how we take Rage’s back. ‘Cause I’m tellin’ ya, I’m taking Rage’s back and so are men.”

  Drake sat back in his chair and considered the options. If what Hawthorne was saying was true, they were fucked. He’d never heard of Revenge, if it and it was a huge if, Artemis belonged to one or both organisations, Rage was neck-deep. Drake couldn’t envisage a way out without further bloodshed.

  Drake had learned about Rescue, who dared complicated rescue and recovery. Bringing out hostages from dangerous places and he’d assumed Artemis was part of that. Revenge was darker than Rescue. Drake had made the assumption based on Artemis’s scarring that she ran, or belonged to Rescue. What if Artemis was linked to both? His brothers were up the creek without a paddle.

  Drake trusted his brothers, they’d one snake and his gut was telling him there was a second at least. Another brother who Drake trusted, could be a piece of shit. Drake had known them years, and Gid had rocked him, which other brother or brothers would rock his trust? Rage was reacting and not thinking. When Rage started thinking, shit would hit the fan, family had turned on family, and that couldn’t be forgotten or forgiven.

  “Take a seat.” Drake said. “Once you up to speed, do what you can to bury Artemis. Bury anythin’ that leads to her. We’ll handle it.” Drake got a chin lift, and Hawthorne sat.


  I traced the tattoo with a fingertip. Soft brown eyes watched. I traced the roses one by one and then traced the letters of Kayleigh’s name. A nail slid around the angel, and the hearts and I remained kneeling, looking up into a face I’d once loved as a brother. Kayleigh had died horrifically, the girl I’d once been, no longer existed. It was hard, I’d Kayleigh’s memories and pain, but she wasn’t me any longer. It was similar to being two separate identities in one body, but I dominated it. Not that I had multiple personalities, I just had Kayeligh’s memories.

  “Talk.” I whispered to Slick.

  “Fell in love with you when you got that first A in your maths test and jumped all over the place like a fuckin’ rabbit girl. Kayleigh, you were jailbait then, and only one man held your eyes but didn’t stop me lovin’ you with everythin’ I had.

  Was always at your shit. Think I wanted to sit through concerts and shit at a school? Couldn’t have you but couldn’t let you go either.” I rocked back on my heels and placed my hands on Slick’s thighs. They were solid and firm. I touched him with a nail and traced it upwards towards his crotch.


  “Kayleigh no.” Slick said as I paused just before I hit Slick’s cock.

  “Kayleigh is dead Slick. Your brothers tortured and killed her. Kayleigh’s man took her murderess to his bed and fucked Misty like he fucked Kayleigh. Ace gave the order.”

  “Ace didn’t give the order.”

  “Still fucked Misty. Wanna know how many men I fucked since Ace? None.”

  “Kayleigh.” Slick whispered brokenly.

  “See getting fucked with a bottle and bat, well shits not pretty down there or inside. Surgery does fucking wonders, but not sure if I can be fucked, so never bothered. But I’m wondering, just looking at you.”

  “Fuckin’ slit my throat because not touching you, girl. You weren’t meant to be mine. And this is far worse than anythin’ you can imagine.”

  “I don’t know, I can imagine a lot.” I whispered trailing my nail up Slick’s chest and stopping short of his nipple.

  “Kayleigh.” Slick whispered tortured.

  “I like how that sounds Slick. I enjoy knowing you get to share my pain. Wanting someone I couldn’t have. Jailbait be fucked, if I’d have been yours would that have happened to me?” I leaned forward and kissed Slick’s chest.

  “Can’t answer that girl.” Slick whispered back at me. I slid my other hand forward and cupped his cock, Slick was hard, damn hard and I felt a twinge inside me.

  “Inked me on you, Slick.”

  “Wherever I travelled, you was comin’ with me.” Slick whispered again. I sat back and studied him.

  “Why did you want to kill me?”

  “Never did baby, needed you to live, needed your beauty.”

  “Why didn’t you tell on Thunder and the others?”

  “Didn’t fuckin’ know. If I’d ‘a known, I’d have put a bullet in them.”

  “Who else is involved?”

  “No one. Don’t think my brothers were involved. Bulldogs brothers got ended, they may have been involved.”

  “Want me?”

  “Fuck, yes.” I leaned forward and touched my mouth to his. Slick groaned and then moved his head to one side.

  “You’re Ace’s, baby, always was and always will be. There’s been no one else for either of ya.”

  “But Ace fucked Misty, I can fuck you. Wouldn’t you enjoy that?”

  “Love nothin’ more than you under me, wet, desperate, panting, but it wrong. I’m not Ace.”

  “Who else was involved?”

  “Don’t know, didn’t know Gid was involved. Fucked us all up seein’ Gid betrayed brothers like that. Gid. Man was dark but not that dark.”

  “Tell me why Ace wanted to kill me.” I kissed Slick’s throat and licked him. Straddling Slick, his cock bit into me. I ground my pelvis against Slick’s cock, and he hissed.

  “Brother didn’t, Ace broke when you disappeared. Thought it was the shit at the club that made you run. Had to lock Ace down.”

  “When did you lock Ace down?”

  “When we got the file. Man lost it, totally gone, not there, not thinkin’, like an animal roarin’ pain.” I got off Slick, and he looked into my eyes again.

  “Let him go Akemi. Slick’s telling the truth.” I said shattered. I’d slipped him the serum before starting the shit I did, and I felt dirty. In Slicks eyes, he showed he didn’t blame me, but I was dirty. Something I hadn’t been for years. Not since I woke up and looked into Master Hoshi’s gentle eyes.

  Akemi stepped out of the shadows and injected Slick again. We waited for his head to drop and cleaned Slick up and then carted him to the van. Carefully we drove Slick to Rage. Akemi drove up, lights off and then cautiously got Slick out of the van.

  We laid Slick gently on the forecourt. Then once we were both back in the van, Akemi hit the full beam of the headlights, lighting up the forecourt and clubhouse. Akemi hit the horn twice, and then we drove away.

  Ace ran hard, harder than he’d ever run when he saw the figure laid on the ground. He hit his knees as he dived to the ground where Slick lay motionless. Drake hit the ground seconds after Ace. Frantically, Ace checked for a pulse, and he gave a loud sigh of relief when he found one.

; “Get doc.” Drake snapped at Hunter as Drake lifted his fallen brother into his arms. Ace took his back, and they got Slick into the compound where Slick opened his eyes for a few seconds. Slick caught Ace’s gaze and held it.

  “Didn’t betray you, brother. Held off against her.” Slick muttered and then fell silent again as his eyes closed.

  “What?” Mac asked. Ace shrugged, but Ace knew somehow whatever Artemis had done to Slick deeply affected Ace’s brother. Ace hated her for that split second, hated Artemis made a good man hurt. Phoenix and Marsha came skidding in from the back and flung themselves in Slick’s direction. Silvie was already there, Slick's head on her lap as Silvie stroked his hair and murmured to Slick.

  As soon as the shit had hit with Gid, Drake had ordered the skanks off-site and kept the three old ladies safe at the Hall. Phoenix had insisted Artemis wasn’t a threat to her, but Drake was taking no chances. Not with Drake’s precious wife and kids. Hawthorne’s had been busy for the last few days.

  Doc Gibson checked out Slick and told them to let Slick sleep it off. He’d been sedated, and Slick had no further injuries. Doc had strapped Slick’s ribs in case they were broken. But apart from bruising to his face and torso, Slick was okay physically. Ace guessed that Artemis had done a number on the man’s head.

  Ace looked as he received a text and his body locked as he read an address, time and nothing else. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and avoided everyone’s gaze as Ace kept watch with his brothers waiting for Slick to wake up.


  Ace walked into the abandoned warehouse and looked around. He was alert and wasn’t surprised when Akemi appeared out of thin air and patted him down. Akemi gave a nod, and a woman came forward. She wasn’t Artemis. Ace’s gaze narrowed on her, and he wondered what her relationship was with Artemis. Their impression that Artemis was more than one person was correct.

  She jerked her head and Ace followed her as she led the way up the steps to a second level and Ace saw two chairs. Sat in one with legs outstretched and crossed and arms folded against her chest was Artemis. She looked at him, and Ace inwardly flinched at the coldness in her expression.